Monday, March 15, 2010

Who let the cows out?

Lesson learned: Do not go to an all-day volleyball tournament before feeding the cattle...they will break out of their fence in search of food. We had to get up at 6am for the tournament. Who wants to get up at 5am to feed the cows? Obviously, not us. Oops. We were about 10 miles from home saturday afternoon when we got a call from Paul's mother asking if our cows should be in her backyard. Then we got a call from Paul's sister-in-law telling us that our cows were in the road. Hmmm...not good. Luckily it was just the holsteins and not the highlanders. In the time it took us to get home, Larry and Debbie had the cows back in our barn (advantage of living next to fellow farmers). Thanks neighbors!!

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